I got 330 ml glass Coca Cola bottles, since the Nuka Cola bottles seem to be mostly based on them.
By the way, did you guys know that Europe has had a big carbon dioxide shortage this summer? That's almost apocalyptic. LED push light: I picked up a simple push light running on 3 AAA batteries for my radioactive glow. Old Bottle caps: I went to a local restaurant and asked if they had any bottle caps, and they happily dumped a bunch of them into my hands, of various brands and colors.
For accuracy, I chose the silver caps for my Quantum and Nuka Cola bottles, but of course, you could use any color you'd like. In my previous try in 2015 I left the unopened red caps on the regular Coca Cola bottles as I didn't want to remove them and re-cap them in case the carbonation was disturbed. Sharpies: I happened to have a large set of standard sharpies, but I mostly used gray, black, red, and orange. Print outs: Back in 2015, I used a print out found online and edited it to fit my 330 ml bottles (don't worry, they were free to use), but I wanted to improve the labels for this time around.